Yuewei Wang, Wei Qi Yan. Colorising grayscale CT images of human lungs using deep learning methods.
Yulin Zhu, Wei Qi Yan. Image-based storytelling using deep learning.
Chenwei Liang, Jia Lu, Wei Qi Yan. Human action recognition from digital videos based on deep learning.
Ming Liu, Wei Qi Yan. Masked face recognition using MobileNetV2.
Yulin Zhu, Ski fall detection from digital images using deep learning.
Duo Tong, Wei Qi Yan. Visual watermark identification from the transparent window of currency by using deep learning.
Yulin Zhu, Wei Qi Yan. Parasite detection from digital images using deep learning.
Xiuhui Wang, Wei Qi Yan. Human identification based on gait manifold.
Hui Wang, Wei Qi Yan. Face detection and recognition from distance based on deep learning.
Ming Liu. Masked face recognition based on transfer learning.
Wenyang Hao. Traffic sign recognition system based on capsule network .
Xinyi Gao, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. A method for face image inpainting based on autoencoder and adversarial generative network.
Jiawei Xing, Ziyuan Luo, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Traffic sign recognition from digital images by using deep learning.
Jichun Qi, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Waste classification from digital images using ConvNeXt.
Xiaoxu Liu, Wei Qi Yan. Depth estimation of traffic scenes from image sequence using deep learning.
Jianchun Qi, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Small visual object detection in smart waste classification using Transformers with deep learning.
Yi Xia, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. A real-time Kiwifruit detection based on improved YOLOv7.
Xiaoxu Liu, Wei Qi Yan. Vehicle-related distance estimation using customised YOLOv7.
Farah Younas, Muhammad Usman, Wei Qi Yan. An ensemble framework of deep neural networks for colorectal polyp classification
Jianfeng Liu, Chen Pan, Wei Qi Yan. Litter detection from digital images using deep learning.
Yu Liu, Parma Nand, Mdm Hossain, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Sign language recognition from digital videos using feature pyramid network with Detection Transformer.
Yi Xia, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Kiwifruit counting using KiwiDetector and KiwiTracker.
Kasun Moolika Gedara, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Enhancing privacy protection in intelligent surveillance: Video blockchain solutions.
Xiaowen Cao, Wei Qi Yan. Pose estimation for swimmers using deep learning.
Kasun Moolika Gedara, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan, Xuejun Li. Video Blockchain: A decentralized approach for secure and sustainable networks with distributed video footage from vehicle-mounted cameras in smart cities.
Xiaoxu Liu, Wei Qi Yan, Nikola Kasabov. Moving vehicle tracking and scene understanding: A hybrid approach.
Hong Zhou, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan. Identification of fresh fruits using deep learning.
Manju Vallayil, Parma Nand, Wei Qi Yan. Explainable AI through Thematic Clustering and Contextual Visualization: Advancing Macro-Level Explainability in AFV Systems.