by Gao, S and Huang, L
Software Development for the Management of CAD Drawings (Gao, S and Huang, L), In 10th Asian Forum on Graphic Science, Japan Society for Graphic Science, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{gao2015softwaredrawings, author = "Gao, S and Huang, L", booktitle = "10th Asian Forum on Graphic Science", month = "Aug", pages = "1--8", publisher = "Japan Society for Graphic Science", title = "Software Development for the Management of CAD Drawings", year = "2015", startyear = "2015", startmonth = "Aug", startday = "4", finishyear = "2015", finishmonth = "Aug", finishday = "7", isbn = "978-4-9900967-2-4", conference = "10th Asian Forum on Graphic Science", day = "1", }