Fruit detection from digital images using CenterNet

by Zhao, K and Yan, W-Q
Fruit detection from digital images using CenterNet (Zhao, K and Yan, W-Q), In Geometry and Vision: First International Symposium, ISGV 2021 (Nguyen, M, Yan, WQ, Ho, H, eds.), 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
author = {Zhao, K and Yan, W-Q},
booktitle = {Geometry and Vision: First International Symposium, ISGV 2021},
editor = {Nguyen, M and Yan, WQ and Ho, H},
organization = {Auckland},
pages = {313--326},
series = {CCIS 1386},
title = {Fruit detection from digital images using CenterNet},
url = {},
year = {2021},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-72073-5_24},
startyear = {2021},
startmonth = {Jan},
startday = {28},
finishyear = {2021},
finishmonth = {Jan},
finishday = {29},
isbn = {978-3-030-72072-8},
issn = {1865-0929},
eissn = {1865-0937},
conference = {First International Symposium, ISGV 2021},