Adaptive fuzzy control on a chewing machine

by Sun, C, Bronlund, J, Huang, L and Xu, WL
Adaptive fuzzy control on a chewing machine (Sun, C, Bronlund, J, Huang, L and Xu, WL), In , 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Sun, C and Bronlund, J and Huang, L and Xu, WL",
booktitle = "",
month = "Sep",
organization = "Qindao, China",
pages = "202--207",
title = "Adaptive fuzzy control on a chewing machine",
year = "2011",
startyear = "2011",
startmonth = "Sep",
startday = "17",
finishyear = "2011",
finishmonth = "Sep",
finishday = "19",
isbn = "978-1-61284-198-4",
conference = "5th International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, Qingdao, China, 17 - 19 September 2011.",
publicationstatus = "published",