Learnability of the Moving Surface Profiles of a Soft Robotic Sorting Table

by M. Stommel and W. L. Xu
Learnability of the Moving Surface Profiles of a Soft Robotic Sorting Table (M. Stommel and W. L. Xu), In IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE, volume 13, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{ stommel2016tase_learning,
    author 		= {M.~Stommel and W.~L.~Xu},
    title 		= {{L}earnability of the {M}oving {S}urface {P}rofiles of a {S}oft {R}obotic {S}orting {T}able},
    journal 	= {IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering},
    volume 		= {13},
    number 		= {4},
    year 			= {2016},
    pages 		= {1581--1587},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    address 	= {},