Hyperplane Arrangements for the Fast Matching and Classification of Visual Landmarks

by M. Stommel, O. Herzog and W. L. Xu
Hyperplane Arrangements for the Fast Matching and Classification of Visual Landmarks (M. Stommel, O. Herzog and W. L. Xu), In Journal of Pattern Analysis and Applications, Springer, volume , 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{ stommel2014hyperplanes,
    author = {M.~Stommel and O.~Herzog and W.~L.~Xu},
    title = {{H}yperplane {A}rrangements for the {F}ast {M}atching and {C}lassification of {V}isual {L}andmarks},
    journal ={Journal of Pattern Analysis and Applications},
    volume = {},
    number = {},
    year = {2014},
    pages = {},
    publisher = {Springer},
    address = {},