by M. Stommel and M. Beetz
Sampling and Clustering of the Space of Human Poses from Tracked, Skeletonised Colour+Depth Images (M. Stommel and M. Beetz), Technical report 70, Center for Computing and Communication Technologies, University of Bremen, Germany, 2013.
Bibtex Entry:
@techreport{ stommel2013tzi70, author = {M.~Stommel and M.~Beetz}, title = {{S}ampling and {C}lustering of the {S}pace of {H}uman {P}oses from {T}racked, {S}keletonised {C}olour+{D}epth {I}mages}, institution = "Center for Computing and Communication Technologies, University of Bremen, Germany", number = "70", year = "2013", }