by Jinsheng Xiao, Li Luo, Yuan Yao, Wentao Zou, and Reinhard Klette
Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter (Jinsheng Xiao, Li Luo, Yuan Yao, Wentao Zou, and Reinhard Klette), In The Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT), Wuhan, LNCS, China, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{psivt5, title={Lane Detection Based on Road Module and Extended Kalman Filter}, author={Jinsheng Xiao and Li Luo and Yuan Yao and Wentao Zou and and Reinhard Klette}, booktitle={The Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT), Wuhan, LNCS, China}, year={2017} }