by P. Ludes, M. Stommel and O. Herzog
Algorithms of Power: Detecting Key Visuals of Heads of State on Screens (P. Ludes, M. Stommel and O. Herzog), In Kultur und Informatik – Cross Media. 13th Conference on Culture and Computer Science – Cross Media, Berlin, May 28–29, 2015 (C. Busch, J. Siek, eds.), Verlag Werner Huelsbusch: Glueckstadt, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@INPROCEEDINGS{ ludes2015kui, author = {P.~Ludes and M.~Stommel and O.~Herzog}, year = {2015}, title = {{A}lgorithms of {P}ower: {D}etecting {K}ey {V}isuals of {H}eads of {S}tate on {S}creens}, booktitle ={Kultur und Informatik -- Cross Media. 13th Conference on Culture and Computer Science -- Cross Media, Berlin, May 28--29, 2015}, pages = {185--196}, editor = {C.~Busch and J.~Siek}, publisher = {Verlag Werner Huelsbusch: Glueckstadt}, address = {}, }