by Lotfi, B, Goharimanesh, M and Huang, L
Modelling and Control of Quadrotor Maneuvers with Variations of Center of Gravity (COG) (Lotfi, B, Goharimanesh, M and Huang, L), In , 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{lotfi2015modellingcog, author = "Lotfi, B and Goharimanesh, M and Huang, L", booktitle = "", month = "Jul", organization = "Busan, Korea", pages = "1570--1574", title = "Modelling and Control of Quadrotor Maneuvers with Variations of Center of Gravity (COG)", url = "\&newsearch=true\&queryText=Modelling%20and%20Control%20of%20Quadrotor%20Maneuvers%20with%20Variations%20of%20Center%20of", year = "2015", startyear = "2015", startmonth = "Jul", startday = "7", finishyear = "2015", finishmonth = "Aug", finishday = "11", conference = "2015 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM)", day = "1", publicationstatus = "published", }