by Hsiang-Jen Chien and Reinhard Klette
Substantial Improvement of Stereo Visual Odometry by Multi-path Feature Tracking (Hsiang-Jen Chien and Reinhard Klette), In Int. Conf. Image Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Christchurch, New Zealand, 4 Dec – 6 Dec, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@inproceedings{ivcnz2017_1, title={Substantial Improvement of Stereo Visual Odometry by Multi-path Feature Tracking}, author={Hsiang-Jen Chien and Reinhard Klette}, booktitle={Int. Conf. Image Vision Computing New Zealand (IVCNZ), Christchurch, New Zealand, 4 Dec - 6 Dec}, year={2017} }