Adaptive output feedback control for general chained multiple mass-spring-damper systems

by Huang, L, Ge, SS and Lee, TH
Adaptive output feedback control for general chained multiple mass-spring-damper systems (Huang, L, Ge, SS and Lee, TH), In 4th Asian Conference on Robotics and its Applications proceedings : 6-8 June 2001, National University of Singapore, .
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Huang, L and Ge, SS and Lee, TH",
booktitle = "4th Asian Conference on Robotics and its Applications proceedings : 6-8 June 2001, National University of Singapore",
organization = "Singapore",
title = "Adaptive output feedback control for general chained multiple mass-spring-damper systems",
url = "",
year = "",
startyear = "2001",
startmonth = "Jun",
startday = "6",
finishyear = "2001",
finishmonth = "Jun",
finishday = "8",
isbn = "981044172X",
conference = "4th Asian Conference on Robotics and its Applications",
publicationstatus = "published",