by Gu, Qin, Yang, Jianyu, Kong, Lingjiang, Yan, Wei Qi and Klette, Reinhard
Embedded and real-time vehicle detection system for challenging on-road scenes (Gu, Qin, Yang, Jianyu, Kong, Lingjiang, Yan, Wei Qi and Klette, Reinhard), In Optical Engineering, International Society for Optics and Photonics, volume 56, 2017.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{gu2017embedded, title={Embedded and real-time vehicle detection system for challenging on-road scenes}, author={Gu, Qin and Yang, Jianyu and Kong, Lingjiang and Yan, Wei Qi and Klette, Reinhard}, journal={Optical Engineering}, volume={56}, number={6}, pages={063102--063102}, year={2017}, publisher={International Society for Optics and Photonics} }