A Novel Soft Machine Table for Manipulation of Delicate Objects Inspired by Caterpillar Locomotion

by Z. Deng, M. Stommel and W. L. Xu
A Novel Soft Machine Table for Manipulation of Delicate Objects Inspired by Caterpillar Locomotion (Z. Deng, M. Stommel and W. L. Xu), In IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, IEEE, volume 21, 2016.
Bibtex Entry:
@article{ deng2016tmech,
    author 		= {Z.~Deng and M.~Stommel and W.~L.~Xu},
    title 		= {{A} {N}ovel {S}oft {M}achine {T}able for {M}anipulation of {D}elicate {O}bjects {I}nspired by {C}aterpillar {L}ocomotion},
    journal 	= {IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics},
    volume 		= {21},
    number 		= {3},
    year 			= {2016},
    pages 		= {1702--1710},
    publisher = {IEEE},
    address 	= {},