Mobile Robots in the Engineering Education Setting

by Chew, MT, Demidenko, S, Huang, L and Gupta, GS
Mobile Robots in the Engineering Education Setting (Chew, MT, Demidenko, S, Huang, L and Gupta, GS), In , 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Chew, MT and Demidenko, S and Huang, L and Gupta, GS",
booktitle = "",
month = "Dec",
organization = "Wellington, New Zealand",
title = "Mobile Robots in the Engineering Education Setting",
year = "2011",
startyear = "2011",
startmonth = "Dec",
startday = "6",
finishyear = "2011",
finishmonth = "Dec",
finishday = "8",
conference = "The 5th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications",
publicationstatus = "accepted",