Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data, 21.03. – 26.03.2004

Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data, 21.03. – 26.03.2004 (), In Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data (R Klette, R Kozera, L Noakes, J Weickert, eds.), Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany, volume 04131, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "",
booktitle = "Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data",
editor = "Klette, R and Kozera, R and Noakes, L and Weickert, J",
publisher = "Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum für Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuhl, Germany",
series = "Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings",
title = "Geometric Properties from Incomplete Data, 21.03. - 26.03.2004",
volume = "04131",
year = "2004",