Publications Old Page

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Robotics[showhide type=”links1″ more_text=”Robotics” less_text=”Robotics”]

Books and Special Issue

RoboticsLulin Huang. A Concise Introduction to Mechanics of Rigid Bodies. Springer, 2012 (eBook ISBN: 978-1-4614-0472-9).


Crypt[showhide type=”links2″ more_text=”Visual Surveillance and Media Security” less_text=”Visual Surveillance and Media Security”]

Books and Special Issues

CryptFeng Liu, Wei Qi Yan. Visual Cryptography for Image Processing and Security – Theory, Methods, and Applications (2nd Edition). Springer, 2015 (ISBN: 978-3-319-23472-4), 2015.

CryptFeng Liu and Wei Qi Yan. Special Issue on Visual Cryptography of Springer Transactions on Data Hiding and Multimedia Security. Springer LNCS 8363, 2014.



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Books and Special Issue

wetaSmallSandino Morales and Reinhard Klette. Kalman-Filter Based Spatio-Temporal Disparity Integration.  Pattern Recognition Letters, Volume 34, Issue 8, pages 873–883, 2013.

wetaSmallFay Huang, Kai-Kristoph Fehrs, Gabriel Hartmann, and Reinhard Klette. Wide-angle Vision for Road Views.  Opto-Electronics Review. Volume 21, issue 1, pages 01-22, 2013.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, Tobi Vaudrey, and Shigang Wang. Corridor detection for vision-based driver assistance systems.  Int. J. Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Volume 25, Issue 2, pp. 253-272, 2011.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei and Reinhard Klette. Simultaneous Analysis of Driver Behaviour and Road Condition for Driver Distraction Detection. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion, vol. 2, issue 3, pp. 217-236; also available online since 5 June 2011.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette, Norbert Krüger, Tobi Vaudrey, Karl Pauwels, Marc van Hulle, Sandino Morales, Farid Kandil, Ralf Haeusler, Nicolas Pugeault, Clemens Rabe, and Markus Lappe. Performance of Correspondence Algorithms in Vision-Based Driver Assistance using an Online Image Sequence DatabaseIEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, Volume 60, Issue 5, pp. 2012-2026, 2011.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, Tobi Vaudrey, and Shigang Wang. Lane Detection and Tracking Using a New Lane Model and Distance Transform.  Machine Vision and Applications, Volume 22, Issue 4, pp. 721-737, 2011.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Sandino Morales, Andreas Wedel and Reinhard Klette. Generalized Residual Image s’ Effect on Illumination Artifact Removal for Correspondence Algorithms. Pattern Recognition (online version), 44:2034-2046, 2010

wetaSmallReinhard Klette, Tobi Vaudrey, Jürgen Wiest, Ralf Haeusler, Ruyi Jiang, and Sandino Morales. Current Challenges in Vision-Based Driver Assistance. Invited chapter in: Progress in Combinatorial Image Analysis (P. Wiederhold and R. Barneva, eds.), pages 3-22, Research Publ. Services, Singapore 2010.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette. Stereo-Vision-Support for Intelligent Vehicles – The Need for Quantified Evidence. In Proc. “AI 2008: Advances in Artificial Intelligence”, W. Wobcke and M. Zhang, eds., LNAI 5360, pages 1-17, 2008 (Keynote talk).

wetaSmallAli Al-Sarraf, Tobi Vaudrey, Reinhard Klette, and Young Woon Woo. An Approach for Evaluating Robustness of Edge Operators on Real-World Driving Scenes. In IEEE Conf. Proc. “IVCNZ 2008”, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IVCNZ.2008.4762096 2008.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Clemens Rabe, Reinhard Klette, and James Milburn. Differences Between Stereo and Motion Behaviour on Synthetic andReal-World Stereo Sequences. In IEEE Conf. Proc. “IVCNZ 2008”, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IVCNZ.2008.4762133 2008.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Andreas Wedel, Clemens Rabe, Jens Klappstein, and Reinhard Klette. Evaluation of Moving Object Segmentation Comparing 6D-Vision andMonocular Motion Constraints. In IEEE Conf. Proc. “IVCNZ 2008”, Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/IVCNZ.2008.4762126 2008.

wetaSmallAndreas Wedel, Clemens Rabe, Tobi Vaudrey, Thomas Brox, Uwe Franke, and Daniel Cremers. Efficient Dense Scene Flow from Sparse or Dense Stereo Data. In Proceedings: IEEE European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 2008.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette and Zhifeng Liu. Computer Vision for the Car Industry. “In Phase”, IIT Guwahati-Cepstrum magazine, pages 5-8, September 2008.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Daniel Gruber, Andreas Wedel, and Jens Klappstein. Space-Time Multi-Resolution Banded Graph-Cut for Fast Segmentation. In Proceedings: “Pattern Recognition (DAGM)”, 2008.

wetaSmallHernan Badino, Tobi Vaudrey, Uwe Franke, and Rudolf Mester. Stereo-based Free Space Computation in Complex Traffic Scenarios. In Proceedings “IEEE Southwest Symposium”, March 2008.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Hernan Badino and Stefan Gehrig. Integrating Disparity Images by Incorporating Disparity Rate. In Proceedings “Robot Vision 2008” (G. Sommer and R. Klette, Eds.), RobVis 2008 LNCS 4931, pages 29-42, Springer, 2008.

wetaSmallShushi Guan and Reinhard Klette. Belief-Propagation on Edge Images for Stereo Analysis of Image Sequences. In Proceedings “Robot Vision 2008” (G. Sommer and R. Klette, Eds.), RobVis 2008 LNCS 4931, pages 291-302, Springer, 2008.

Journal Papers

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei, Mutsuhiro Terauchi, and Reinhard Klette. Robust Vehicle Detection and Distance Estimation Under Challenging Lighting Conditions.  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015.

wetaSmallLi-hua Fu, Wei-dong Wu, Yu Zhang, and Reinhard Klette. Unusual Motion Detection for Vision-Based Driver Assistance.  International Journal of Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent Systems, Vol. 15, pp. 27-34, March, 2015.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette. Vision-Based Driver Assistance.  Chapter in Wiley Encyclopedia of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, DOI: 10.1002/047134608X.W8272, 2015.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette. Computer Vision in Vehicles.  Chapter 1 in Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology: Land, Sea, Air and Space (A.M. Lopez, A. Imiya, and T. Padjla, eds.), Springer, 2015.

wetaSmallBok-Suk Shin, Junli Tao, and Reinhard Klette. A Superparticle Filter for Lane Detection.  Pattern Recognitiononline, 2014.

wetaSmallBok-Suk Shin, Diego Caudillo, and Reinhard Klette. Evaluation of Two Stereo Matchers on Long Real-World Video Sequences.  Pattern Recognitiononline, 2014.

wetaSmallYanyan Xu, Qing-Jie Kong, Reinhard Klette, and Yuncai Liu. Accurate and Interpretable Bayesian MARS for Traffic Flow Prediction.  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systemsonline, issue 99, 1-13, 2014.

wetaSmallBok-Suk Shin, Zezhong Xu, and Reinhard Klette. Visual Lane Analysis and Higher-order Tasks: A Concise Review.  Machine Vision and Applicationsonline, 2014.

wetaSmallJunli Tao and Reinhard Klette. Tracking of 2D or 3D Irregular Movement by a Family of Unscented Kalman Filters.  J. Information and Convergence Communication Engineering, Volume 10, No.3, pages 307-314, 2012.

wetaSmallSandino Morales, Simon Hermann, and Reinhard Klette. Real-World Stereo-Analysis Evaluation.  In: Outdoor and Large-Scale Real-World Scene Analysis (F. Dellaert et al., editors), pages 52-77, Springer, 2012.

wetaSmallJorge A. Sanchez, Reinhard Klette, and Eduardo Destefanis. Derivation of Motion Characteristics Using Affine Shape Adaptation for Moving Blobs. Chapter in “Visual Motion Analysis” (D. Cremers, B. Rosenhahn, A. Yuille, eds.) LNCS 5604, pages 259-279, Springer, Berlin, 2009.


Conference Papers

wetaSmallJunli Tao, Markus Enzweiler, Uwe Franke, David Pfeiffer and Reinhard Klette. What is in Front? Multiple-Object Detection and Tracking with Dynamic Occlusion Handling. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette. Visual Odometry and 3D Roadside Reconstruction. Holistic Scene Understanding, Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 15081, page 91, 2015.

wetaSmallBradley Moorfield, Ralf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Bilateral Filtering of 3D Point Clouds for Refined 3D Roadside Reconstructions. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

wetaSmallRoberto Guzman, Jean-Bernard Hayet and Reinhard Klette. Towards Ubiquitous Autonomous Driving: The CCSAD Dataset. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

wetaSmallHsiang-Jen Chien, Geng Haokun and Reinhard Klette. Bundle Adjustment with Implicit Structure Modeling using a Direct Linear Transform. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

wetaSmallHaokun Geng, Johnny Chien, Radu Nicolescu and Reinhard Klette. Egomotion Estimation and Reconstruction with Kalman Filters and GPS Integration. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

wetaSmallXu He, Zhengping Wang, Bok-Suk Shin and Reinhard Klette. Detection of Defined Human Poses for Video Surveillance In Proceedings IVCNZ, 2014.

wetaSmallMuhammad Saad Malik and Reinhard Klette. Automatic Detection and Segmentation of License Plates In Proceedings AWCIT, KSCI, Korea, pages 23-28, 2014.

wetaSmallHaokun Geng, Johnny Chien, Radu Nicolescu, and Reinhard Klette. Incremental Structured ICP Algorithm In Proceedings AWCIT, KSCI, Korea, pages 69-76, 2014.

wetaSmallHsiang-Jen Chien, Haokun Geng and Reinhard Klette. Improved Visual Odometry based on Transitivity Error in Disparity Space – A Third-eye Approach In Proceedings IVCNZ, 2014.

wetaSmallJunli Tao and Reinhard Klette. Part-based RDF for Direction Classification of Pedestrians, and a Benchmark In Proceedings ACCV, IVVT workshop, 2014.

wetaSmallMichal Daniluk, Mahdi Rezaei, Radu Nicolescu, and Reinhard Klette. Eye Status Based on Eyelid Detection: A Driver Assistance System In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Graphics (ICCVG), LNCS 8671, pp. 171-178, Springer, 2014.

wetaSmallJoanna Wisniewska, Mahdi Rezaei, and Reinhard Klette. Robust Eye Gaze Estimation In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Graphics (ICCVG), LNCS 8671, pp. 636-644, Springer, 2014.

wetaSmallHaokun Geng, Radu Nicolescu, and Reinhard Klette. Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Graphics (ICCVG), LNCS 8671, pp. 228-235, Springer, 2014.

wetaSmallAli AlSarraf, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Ground Truth and Performance Evaluation of Lane Border Detection In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Graphics (ICCVG), LNCS 8671, pp. 66-74, Springer, 2014.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei and Reinhard Klette. Look at the Driver, Look at the Road: No Distraction! No Accident! In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 129-134, 2014 (acceptance rate 29.88%).

wetaSmallJunli Tao and Reinhard Klette. Integrated Pedestrian and Direction Classification using a Random Decision Forest. ICCV 2013, Workshop on Computer Vision for Autonomous Driving, ICCVW, 230-237, 2013.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei, Hossein Ziaei Nafchi, Sandino Morales. Global Haar-like Features: A New Extension of Classic Haar Features for Efficient Face Detection in Noisy Images. PSIVT 2013, main conference.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei, Mutsuhiro Terauchi Vehicle Detection Based on Multi-feature Clues and Dempster-Shafer Fusion Theory. PSIVT 2013, main conference.

wetaSmallWaqar Khan and Reinhard Klette. Accuracy of Trajectories Estimation in a Driver-Assistance Context. PSIVT 2013, GPID Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8334, 2014, pp 47-58.

wetaSmallTing-Yen Chen and Reinhard Klette. Animated Non-Photorealistic Rendering in Multiple Styles. PSIVT 2013, PAESNPR Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8334, 2014, pp 12-23

wetaSmallJunli Tao, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Wrong Roadway Detection for Multi-Lane Roads. 15th CAIP. LNCS 8048, York, UK, pp. 50-58, 2013.

wetaSmallYi Zeng and Reinhard Klette. Multi-run 3D Streetside Reconstruction from a Vehicle. 15th CAIP. LNCS 8047, York, UK, pp 580-588, 2013.

wetaSmallZijiang Song and Reinhard Klette. Robustness of Point Feature Detection. 15th CAIP. York, UK, LNCS, Volume 8048, pp 91-99, 2013.

wetaSmallVeronica Suaste, Diego Caudillo, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Third-Eye Stereo Analysis Evaluation Enhanced by Data Measures. 5th Mexican Conf. Pattern Recognition. LNCS 7914, Queretaro, Mexico, pages 74-83, 2013.

wetaSmallWaqar Khan, Veronica Suaste, Diego Caudillo, and Reinhard Klette. Belief Propagation Stereo Matching Compared to iSGM on Binocular or Trinocular Video Data. The 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Gold Coast, Australia,  pp. 791-796, 2013.

wetaSmallWaqar Khan and Reinhard Klette. Stereo Accuracy for Collision Avoidance for Non-linear Collision Trajectories. The 2013 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium. Gold Coast, Australia,  pp. 1259-1264, 2013.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei and Reinhard Klette. Adaptive Haar-Like Classification for Eye Monitoring in Non-Ideal Lighting Conditions. In Proc. 27th IVCNZ, Dunedin, 2012.

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Optimality in Combinations of Confidence Measures for Stereo Vision. In Proc. 27th IVCNZ, Dunedin, 2012.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei and Reinhard Klette. Novel Adaptive Eye Detection and Tracking for Challenging Lighting Conditions. In Proc. ACCV 2012. DTCE Workshop, Korea, LNCS 7729, pp. 427-440, 2012.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann and Reinhard Klette. Hierarchical Scan-Line Dynamic Programming for Optical Flow using Semi-Global Matching. In Proc. ACCV 2012. IMV Workshop, Korea, LNCS 7729, pp. 556-567, 2012. (Winner of the ECCV 2012 Robust Vision Challenge)

wetaSmallSimon Hermann and Reinhard Klette. Iterative Semi-Global Matching for Robust Driver Assistance Systems. In Proc. ACCV 2012, Korea, LNCS 7726, pp. 465-478, 2012. (Winner of the ECCV 2012 Robust Vision Challenge)

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Analysis of KITTI Data for Stereo Analysis with Stereo Confidence Measures. In Proc. ECCV 2012. Workshops and Demonstrations, Italy, LNCS 7584, pp. 158-167, 2012.

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Disparity Con fidence Measures on Engineered and Outdoor Data In Proc. 17th Iberoamerican Congress Pattern Recognition, Buenos Aires, LNCS 7441, Springer, pages 624-631, 2012.

wetaSmallJunli Tao and Reinhard Klette. Detecting Potentially Conflicting Trajectories of Pedestrians in Traffic Scenes. In Proc. Int. Conf. Korea Institute Information Communication Engineering, Istanbul, pages 83-84, 2012.

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Evaluation of Stereo Confidence Measures on Synthetic and Recorded Image Data. In Proc. IEEE/OSA/IAPR Int. Conf. Informatics Electronics Vision, Dakha, pages 963-968, 2012.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann, Anko Boerner, and Reinhard Klette. Mid-Level Segmentation and Segment Tracking for Long-Range Stereo Analysis In Proc. PSIVT, Gwangju, South Korea, LNCS 7087, pages 224-235, Springer, 2011.

wetaSmallSandino Morales and Reinhard Klette. Spatio-Temporal Stereo Disparity Integration In Proc. CAIP, Sevilla, Spain, LNCS 6855, pages 540-547, Springer, 2011.

wetaSmallMahdi Rezaei and Reinhard Klette. 3D Cascade of Classifiers for Open and Closed Eye Detection in Driver Distraction Monitoring In Proc. CAIP, Sevilla, Spain, LNCS 6855, pages 171-179, Springer, 2011.

wetaSmallKonstantin Schauwecker, Sandino Morales, Simon Hermann, and Reinhard Klette. A Comparative Study of Stereo-Matching Algorithms for Road-Modeling in the Presence of Windscreen Wipers. In Proceedings IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Baden-Baden, pages 7-12, 2011.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann, Sandino Morales, and Reinhard Klette. Half Resolution Semi-Global Stereo Matching. In Proceedings IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Baden-Baden, pages 201-206, 2011.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette, Je Ahn, Ralf Haeusler, Simon Hermann, Jinsheng Huang, Waqar Khan, Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, Sandino Morales, John Morris, Radu Nicolescu, FeiXiang Ren, Konstantin Schauwecker, and Xi Yang. Advance in Vision-Based Driver Assistance. IEEE 978-1-4577-0290-7/11, Lushan, ICETCE 2011, pages 987-990, 2011.

wetaSmallXi Yang and Reinhard Klette. Approximate Ground Truth in the Real World for Testing Optical Flow Algorithms. IEEE 978-1-4577-0290-7/11, Lushan, ICETCE 2011, pages 6475-6478, 2011.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann, Sandino Morales, Tobi Vaudrey, and Reinhard Klette. Illumination Invariant Cost Functions in Semi-Global Matching In Proceedings “CVVT“, LNCS 6469, pages 245-254, ACCV workshop, Queenstown, 2011.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, and Shigang Wang. Statistical Modeling of Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry In Proceedings “CVVT“, LNCS 6469, pages 214-224, ACCV workshop, Queenstown, 2011.

wetaSmallKonstantin Schauwecker and Reinhard Klette. A Comparative Study of Two Vertical Road Modelling Techniques In Proceedings “CVVT“, LNCS 6469, pages 174-183, ACCV workshop, Queenstown, 2011.

wetaSmallSandino Morales and Reinhard Klette. Ground Truth Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms for Real World Applications In Proceedings “CVVT“, LNCS 6469, pages 152-162, ACCV workshop, Queenstown, 2011.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann and Tobi Vaudrey. The Gradient – A Powerful and Robust Cost Function for Stereo Matching. IVCNZ, 978-1-4244-9631-0, IEEE, 2010.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette, Je Ahn, Haokun Geng, Ralf Haeusler, Simon Hermann, Waqar Khan, Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, Sandino Morales, John Morris, Radu Nicolescu, FeiXiang Ren, James Russell, Konstantin Schauwecker, Crystal Valente, and Xi Yang. Current Work in Multimedia Imaging at UoA’s Tamaki Campus. IVCNZ, 978-1-4244-9631-0, IEEE, 2010.

wetaSmallXi Yang and Reinhard Klette. Evaluation of Motion Analysis on Synthetic and Real-World Image Sequences. IVCNZ, 978-1-4244-9631-0, IEEE, 2010.

wetaSmallJe Ahn. Calibration of Stereo Fish-Eye Camera for Driver Assistance Systems. IVCNZ, 978-1-4244-9631-0, IEEE, 2010.

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler and Reinhard Klette. Benchmarking Stereo Data (not the Matching Algorithms) In Proceedings “DAGM“, Darmstadt, LNCS 6376, 383-392, 2010.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, and Shigang Wang. Modeling of Unbounded Long-Range Drift in Visual Odometry In IEEE Proceedings “PSIVT“, Singapore, pages 121-126, 2010

wetaSmallBin Wang, Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, and Reinhard Klette. Web-based visualization of media data for driver assistance. MMED IA conference, Athens, pages 44-48, 2010.

wetaSmallKai Berger, Christian Linz, Christian Lipski, Tobi Vaudrey, Reinhard Klette, and Marcus Magnor. Target Space Modeling – The End of 3D Widgets. WSCG conference, 8 pages, Plzen, February 2010.

wetaSmallSandino Morales, Joachim Penc, Tobi Vaudrey, Reinhard Klette. Graph-Cut versus Belief-Propagation Stereo on Real-World Images. In Proc. CIARP, LNCS, pages 732-740, 2009.

wetaSmallWaqar Khan, John Morris and Reinhard Klette. Stereo Accuracy for Collision Avoidance. In Proceedings “IVCNZ 2009” (Donald Bailey, ed.), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0967E, 2009.

wetaSmallJohn Morris, Ralf Haeusler, Ruyi Jiang, Rateesh Kalarot, Tariq Khan, Waqar Khan, Sathiamoorthy Manoharan, Sandino Morales, Tobi Vaudrey, Jürgen Wiest, and Reinhard Klette. Current Work in the .enpeda.. Project.  In Proceedings “IVCNZ 2009” (Donald Bailey, ed.), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0967E, 2009.

wetaSmallRalf Haeusler, Ruyi Jiang, Sandino Morales, and Reinhard Klette. Options in using Graphics for Evaluating Correspondence Algorithms.  In Proceedings “IVCNZ 2009” (Donald Bailey, ed.), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0967E, 2009.

wetaSmallFeiXiang Ren, JinSheng Huang, Ruyi Jiang, and Reinhard Klette. General Traffic Sign Recognition by Feature Matching.  In Proceedings “IVCNZ 2009” (Donald Bailey, ed.), IEEE Catalog Number CFP0967E, 2009.

wetaSmallJiaju Liu, Hui Chen, Yanyan Xu, Wen Rong, Tobi Vaudrey and Reinhard Klette. Disparity map calculation on a cell processor. In Proceedings “MSI2009”, Beijing, October 2009.

wetaSmallYanyan Xu, Hui Chen, Reinhard Klette, Jiaju Liu, and Tobi Vaudrey. Belief Propagation Implementation using CUDA on an NVIDIA GTX 280. In Proceedings “AI09“, LNCS 5866, pages 180-189, 2009.

wetaSmallFeixiang Ren, Jinsheng Huang, Mutsuhiro Terauchi, Ruyi Jiang, and Reinhard Klette. Lane Detection on the iPhone. In Proceedings “ArtsIT 2009“, LNICST 30, pages 198-205, 2009.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, Shigang Wang, and Tobi Vaudrey. Ego-vehicle Corridors for Vision-Based Driver Assistance. In Proceedings “IWCIA 2009“, LNCS 5852, pages 238-251, 2009.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Andreas Wedel, Chia-Yen Chen, and Reinhard Klette. Improving Optical Flow using Residual and Sobel Edge Images. In Proceedings “ArtsIT 2009“, LNICST 30, pages 215-222, 2009.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Mutsuhiro Terauchi, Reinhard Klette, Shigang Wang, and Tobi Vaudrey. Low-level Image Processing for Lane Detection and Tracking. In Proceedings “ArtsIT 2009“, LNICST 30, pages 190-197, 2009.

wetaSmallS. Manoharan. On GPS Tracking of Mobile Devices. In Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. Networking Services, pages 415-418, 2009.

wetaSmallRuyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette, Shigang Wang, and Tobi Vaudrey. New Lane Model and Distance Transform for Lane Detection and Tracking. In Proceedings “CAIP 2009“, LNCS 5702, pages 1044-1052, 2009.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey and Reinhard Klette. Fast Trilateral Filtering. In Proceedings “CAIP 2009“, LNCS 5702, pages 541-548, 2009.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey, Andreas Wedel, and Reinhard Klette. A Methodology for Evaluating Illumination Artifact Removal for Corresponding Images. In Proceedings “CAIP 2009“, LNCS 5702, pages 1113-1121, 2009.

wetaSmallSandino Morales and Reinhard Klette. A Third Eye for Performance Evaluation in Stereo Sequence Analysis. In Proceedings “CAIP 2009“, LNCS 5702, pages 1078-1086, 2009.

wetaSmallReinhard Klette, Ruyi Jiang, Sandino Morales, and Tobi Vaudrey. Discrete Driver Assistance. In Proceedings “ISMM 2009” (M.H.F. Wilkinson and J.B.T.M. Roerdink, eds.), LNCS 5720, pages 1–12, Springer, Berlin, 2009.

wetaSmallTobi Vaudrey and Reinhard Klette. Residual Images Remove Illumination Artifacts for Correspondence Algorithms! In Proceedings “DAGM 2009”, LNCS 5748, pages 472-481, 2009.

wetaSmallJorge A. Sanchez, Eduardo Destefanis, Reinhard Klette, and Sandino Morales. Affine Shape Adaptation of Blobs Moving in 3D Space. In Proceedings “Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009 IEEE“, pages 311-3 16, 2009.

wetaSmallSandino Morales, Tobi Vaudrey, and Reinhard Klette. An In-Depth Robustness Evaluation of Stereo Algorithms on Long Stereo Sequences. In Proceedings “Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 2009 IEEE“, pages 347-352, 2009.

wetaSmallSandino Morales, Young W. Woo, Reinhard Klette, and Tobi Vaudrey. A Study on Stereo and Motion Data Accuracy for a Moving Platform. In Proceedings “FIRA RoboWorld Congress 2009″ (J.H.Kim et al., eds.), LNCS 5744, pages 292-300, 2009.

wetaSmallZhifeng Liu and Reinhard Klette Dynamic Programming Stereo on Real-World Sequences. In Proceedings “ICONIP 2008” (M. Köppen et al., eds.), Part I LNCS 5506, pages 527-534, 2009.

wetaSmallJorge A. Sanchez, Reinhard Klette, and Eduardo Destefanis. Estimating 3D Flow for Driver Assistance Applications. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  237-248, 2009.

wetaSmallShushi Guan, Reinhard Klette, and Young Woon Woo. Belief Propagation for Stereo Analysis of Night-Vision Sequences. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  932-943, 2009.

wetaSmallJens Klappstein, Tobi Vaudrey, Clemens Rabe, Andreas Wedel, and Reinhard Klette. Moving Object Segmentation using Optical Flow and Depth Information. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages 611-623, 2009.

wetaSmallSimon Hermann, Reinhard Klette, and Eduardo Destefanis. Inclusion of a Second-Order Prior into Semi-Global Matching. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  633-644, 2009.

wetaSmallZhifeng Liu and Reinhard Klette Approximated Ground Truth for Stereo and Motion Analysis on Real-World Sequences. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  874-885, 2009.


ES_small[showhide type=”link4″ more_text=”Biomedical Imaging” less_text=”Biomedical Imaging”]

Books and Special Issues

ES_smallBok-Suk Shin, Eui-Young Cha, Kwang-Baek Kim, Kyoung-Won Cho, Reinhard Klette, and Young Woon Woo Effective Feature Extraction by Trace Transform for Insect Footprint Classification J. Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 7:868-875, 2010

Journal Papers

ES_smallBenjamin Risse, Dimitri Berh, Junli Tao, Xiaoyi Jiang, Reinhard Klette and Christian Klämbt. Comparison of two 3D tracking paradigms for freely flying insects EURASIP Journal on Image and Video ProcessingDOI: 10.1186/1687-5281-2013-57, 2013.

ES_smallJames Russell, Nils Hasler, Reinhard Klette, and Bodo Rosenhahn. Automatic Track Recognition of Footprints for Identifying Cryptic Species. Ecology, 90(7):2007-2013, 2009.

Conference Papers

ES_smallJunli Tao, Benjamin Risse, Xiaoyi Jiang, and Reinhard Klette. Trajectory Estimation of Simulated Fruit Flies. In Proc. 27th IVCNZ, Dunedin, 2012.

ES_smallBok-Suk Shin, Jerry Zheng, James Russell, and Reinhard Klette. Improved Segmentation for Footprint Recognition of Small Mammals. In Proc. 27th IVCNZ, Dunedin, 2012.

ES_smallBok-Suk Shin, James Russell, and Reinhard Klette. Feature Extraction and Classi cation for Insect Footprint Recognition In Proc. 17th Iberoamerican Congress Pattern Recognition, Buenos Aires, LNCS 7441, Springer, pages 196-203, 2012.

ES_smallJerry Zheng, Bok-Suk Shin and Reinhard Klette. Design of a Footprint Detection Program for a Biological Database In Proc. Int. Conf. Korea Institute Information Communication Engineering, Istanbul, pages 75-76, 2012.

ES_smallHaokun Geng, James Russell, Bok-Suk Shin, Radu Nicolescu, and Reinhard Klette. A flexible method for localisation and classification of footprints of small species. In Proc. PSIVT, Gwangju, South Korea, LNCS 7088, pages 274-286, Springer, 2011.

ES_smallGyeongyong Heo, Reinhard Klette, Young Woon Woo, Kwang-Baek Kim and Nam Ho Kim Fuzzy Support Vector Machine with a Fuzzy Nearest Neighbor Classifier for Insect Footprint Classification, In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Fuzzy Systems, 2010

ES_smallBok-Suk Shin, Eui-Young Cha, Kwang-Baek Kim, Kyoung-Won Cho, Reinhard Klette, and Young Woon Woo. Effective Feature Extraction by Trace Transform for Insect Footprint Recognition. In IEEE Proc. Bio-Inspired Computing: Theories and Applications, pages 97-102, 2008 (10.1109/BICTA.2008.4656710), 2008.


3Dshape_small[showhide type=”links5″ more_text=”Computer Vision” less_text=”Computer Vision”]

Books and Special Issues

3Dshape_smallReinhard Klette. Concise Computer Vision.Springer, London, 05 January 2014 (429 pages, ISBN 978-1-4471-6319-0).
2014: Edited Book, 2014.

3Dshape_smallLeszek J. Chmielewski, Ryszard Kozera, Bok-Suk Shin, and Konrad Wojciechowski (editors). Computer Graphics and Vision (ICCVG 2014), 2014.

3Dshape_smallReinhard Klette, Mariano Rivera, and Shin’ichi Satoh, editors. Pacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology (PSIVT 2013). LNCS 8333, Springer, 2013 (518 p), 2013.

3Dshape_smallKun Ju, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Novel Backprojection Method for Monocular Head Pose Estimation Int. J. Fuzzy Logic Intelligent Systems, Volume 13, no.1, pages 50-58, 2013.

3Dshape_smallGabriel Hartmann, Fay Huang, and Reinhard Klette. Landmark Initialization for Unscented Kalman Filter Sensor Fusion for Monocular Camera Localization Int. J. Fuzzy Logic Intelligent Systems, Volume 13, no.1, pages 1-11, 2013.

3Dshape_smallRon Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, and Akihiro Sugimoto, editors. ACCV 2010, Special Issue IPSJ Trans. Computer Vision Applications, 2012

3Dshape_smallRon Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, and Akihiro Sugimoto, editors. ACCV 2010. Oral and keynote presentations. LNCS 6492, Springer, 2011.

3Dshape_smallRon Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, and Akihiro Sugimoto, editors. ACCV 2010. Posters on Day 1. LNCS 6493, Springer, 2011.

3Dshape_smallRon Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, and Akihiro Sugimoto, editors. ACCV 2010. Posters on Day 2. LNCS 6494, Springer, 2011.

3Dshape_smallRon Kimmel, Reinhard Klette, and Akihiro Sugimoto, editors. ACCV 2010. Posters on Day 3. LNCS 6495, Springer, 2011.

3Dshape_smallGerald Sommer and Reinhard Klette (editors). Robot Vision 2008. LNCS 4931, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.

Journal Papers

3Dshape_smallZhengping Wang, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Accurate Silhouette Extraction of a Person in Video Data by Shadow EvaluationInt. J. Computer Theory Engineering, vol. 6, 476–483, 2014.

3Dshape_smallKwang-Baek Kim, Reinhard Klette, Young-Woon Woo, and Doo-Heon Song. The extraction of red-eye areas using skin color information. In Proceedings Int. Conf. Maritime Information Comm. Sciences, Manila, pages 95 – 97, 2009.

3Dshape_smallTiangong Wei and Reinhard Klette. On Depth Recovery from Gradient Vector Fields. Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Volume on “Algorithms, Architectures, and Information Systems Security” (Bhargab B Bhattacharya et al., editors) World Scientific, Delhi, pages 69 – 86, 2008.

Conference Papers

3Dshape_smallMohammad Sabokrou, Mahmmood Fathy, Mojtaba Hoseini, and Reinhard Klette. Early Anomaly Detection and Localization in Crowded Scenes CVPR, GROW workshop, 2015.

3Dshape_smallKonstantin Schauwecker, Reinhard Klette, and Andreas Zell. A New Feature Detector and Stereo Matching Method for Accurate High-Performance Sparse Stereo Matching. In Proc. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. Intelligent Robots and Systems, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, 2012.

3Dshape_smallSimon Hermann and Reinhard Klette. Evaluation of a new Coarse-to-Fine Strategy for Fast Semi-Global Stereo Matching In Proc. PSIVT, Gwangju, South Korea, LNCS 7087, pages 395-406, Springer, 2011.

3Dshape_smallNaoya Ohnishi, Yusuke Kameda, Atsushi Imiya, Leo Dorst, and Reinhard Klette. Dynamic Multiresolution Optical Flow Computation. In Proceedings “Robot Vision 2008” (G. Sommer and R. Klette, Eds.), RobVis 2008 LNCS 4931, pages 1-15, Springer, 2008.


Panoramic_small[showhide type=”links6″ more_text=”Panoramic Imaging” less_text=”Panoramic Imaging”]

Books and Special Issues

Panoramic_smallFay Huang, Akihiko Torii and Reinhard Klette. Geometries of Panoramic Images and 3D Vision. Machine Graphics & Vision, 19:463-477, 2010.

Panoramic_smallFay Huang and Reinhard Klette. Stereo Panorama Acquisition and Automatic Image Disparity Adjustment  for Stereoscopic Visualization. Multimedia Tools and Applications (online version), 47:353-377 , 2010.

Panoramic_smallKarsten Scheibe, Fay Huang and Reinhard Klette. Pose Estimation of Rotating Sensors in the Context of Accurate 3D Scene Modeling. JUCS, 16:1269-1290, 2010.

Panoramic_smallFay Huang, Reinhard Klette and Karsten Scheibe. Panoramic Imaging (Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders) . John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester, 2008.

Journal Papers

Panoramic_smallFay Huang and Reinhard Klette. City-scale Modeling for Street NavigationJ. Information and Convergence Communication Engineering, Volume 10, No.4, pages 411-419, 2012.

Conference Papers

Panoramic_smallFay Huang, Reinhard Klette, Ju-Chi Tien, and Yin-Wei Chang. Rotating Sensor-Matrix Camera Calibration.  ICIP Conference, Hongkong, pages 4245-4248, 2010.

Panoramic_smallAkihiko Torii and Reinhard Klette. Panoramic and 3D Computer Vision. In Proceedings “ArtsIT 2009“, LNICST 30, pages 9-16, 2009.

Panoramic_smallKarsten Scheibe, Fay Huang and Reinhard Klette. Calibration of Rotating Sensors.   In Proceedings CAIP 2009, LNCS 5702, pages 157-164, 2009.

Panoramic_smallFay Huang, Reinhard Klette and Yun-Hao Xie. Sensor Pose Estimation from Multi-Center Cylindrical Panoramas. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  48-59, 2009.

Panoramic_smallRalf Haeusler, Reinhard Klette and Fay Huang. Monocular 3D Reconstruction of Objects Based on Cylindrical Panoramas. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages 60-70, 2009.

Panoramic_smallFay Huang, Reinhard Klette and Yun-Hao Xie. Pose Estimation for Sensors which Capture Cylindric Panorams. In Proceedings “CIARP 2008” (J. Ruiz-Shulcloper and W.G. Kropatsch, Eds.), Cuba LNCS 5197, pages 593-601, Springer, 2008.


DGT_small[showhide type=”links7″ more_text=”Geometry and Topology in Imaging and Robotics” less_text=”Geometry and Topology in Imaging and Robotics”]

Book and Special Issues

DGT_smallReinhard Klette and Jovisa Zunic. ADR Shape Descriptor – Distance between Shape Centroids versus Shape Diameter. Computer Vision and Image Understanding. Volume 116, issue 2, pages 690-697, 2012.

DGT_smallGisela Klette. Skeletal Curves in Digital Image Analysis. VDM, Saarbrücken, 2010.

DGT_smallThomas James and Reinhard Klette. The Topology of Incidence Pseudographs. Pure Mathematics and Applications, Volume 20 (2009), Issue no. 1-2, pages 77 – 101 (published online on 10 March 2010).

DGT_smallGisela Klette. Skeletal Curves of 3D Astrocyte Samples. Machine Graphics & Vision, Volume 17, pages 105-129, 2008.

Journal Papers

DGT_smallZezhong Xu, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Closed Form Line-Segment Extraction using the Hough TransformPattern Recognition, 48 (2015) 4012–4023, 2015.
DGT_smallZezhong Xu, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. A Statistical Method for Line Segment Detection. Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 138:61-73, 2015.

DGT_smallZezhong Xu, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Accurate and Robust Line Segment Extraction Using Minimum Entropy with Hough Transform. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, Vol. 24, pp. 813-822, 2015.

DGT_smallHelena Molina Abril, Pedro Real, Akira Nakamura, and Reinhard Klette. Connectivity Calculus of Fractal Polyhedrons.  Pattern Recognitiononline, 2014.

DGT_smallPartha Bhowmick and Reinhard Klette. Generation of Random Digital Simple Curves with Artistic EmulationJournal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision. Volume 48, issue 1, pages 53-71, 2014.

DGT_smallFajie Li, Xinbo Fu, Gisela Klette, and Reinhard Klette. A Fast Algorithm for Liver Surgery Planning. Int. Conf. Discrete Geometry Computer Imagery. Sevilla, Spain,  LNCS 7749, pp. 228-240, 2013.

Conference Papers

DGT_smallZezhong Xu, Bok-Suk Shin, and Reinhard Klette. Determination of Length and Width of a Line-segment by using a Hough Transform In Proceedings Int. Conf. Discrete Geometry Computer Imagery (DGCI), LNCS 8668, 190-201, 2014.

DGT_smallJovisa Zunic and Reinhard Klette. Analysis of a Shape Descriptor. In Proc. IEEE/OSA/IAPR Int. Conf. Informatics Electronics Vision, Dakha, pages 1185-1190, 2012.

DGT_smallGisela Klette. Recursive Calculation of Relative Convex Hulls. In Proceedings DGCI, Nancy, LNCS 6607, pages 260-271, 2011.

DGT_smallGisela Klette. A Recursive Algorithm for Calculating the Relative Convex Hull. IVCNZ, 978-1-4244-9631-0, IEEE, 2010.

DGT_smallPartha Bhowmick, Oishee Pal, and Reinhard Klette. A Linear-time Algorithm for the Generation of Random Digital Curves In IEEE Proceedings “PSIVT“, Singapore, pages 168-173, 2010.


GeomAlg_small[showhide type=”links8″ more_text=”Algorithm Design” less_text=”Algorithm Design”]

Books and Special Issues

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Euclidean Shortest Paths – Exact and Approximate Algorithms.Springer, London, 2011 (378 pages, ISBN 978-1-4471-2255-5), 2011

GeomAlg_smallValentin Brimkov and Reinhard Klette. Border and Surface Tracing – Theoretical Foundations. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) Vol. 30, No. 4, pages 577 – 590, April 2008.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Shortest Path Algorithms for Sequences of Polygons . CAAI Transactions on Intelligent Systems Vol. 3, No. 1, pages 23 -30, 2008.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Euclidean Shortest Paths in A Simple Polygon. Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Volume on “Algorithms, Architectures, and Information Systems Security” (Bhargab B Bhattacharya et al., editors) World Scientific, Delhi, pages 3 – 24, 2008.

Conference Papers

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Approximate Shortest Paths in Simple Polyhedra. In Proceedings DGCI, Nancy, LNCS 6607, pages 513-524, 2011.

GeomAlg_smallXiuxia Pan, Fajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Approximate Shortest Path Algorithms for Sequences of Pairwise Disjoint Simple Polygons In Proceedings “Canadian Conf. Computational Geometry“, pages 1-4, Winnipeg, Canada, 2010.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette. Watchman Route in a Simple Polygon with a Rubberband Algorithm In Proceedings “Canadian Conf. Computational Geometry“, pages 175-178, Winnipeg, Canada, 2010.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li, Reinhard Klette and Sandino Morales. An Approximate Algorithm for Solving Shortest Path Problems for Mobile Robots or Driver Assistance. In Proceedings “Intelligent VehiclesSymposium, 2009 IEEE“, pages 42-47, 2009.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette.  A Variant of Adapt ive Mean Shift-Based Clustering. In Proceedings “ICONIP 2008” (M. Köppen et al., eds.), Part I LNCS 5506, pages 999-1006, 2009.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette.  Recovery Rate of Clustering Algorithms. In Proceedings “PSIVT 2009” (T. Wada, F. Huang, and S. Lin, editors) LNCS 5414, pages  1058-1069, 2009.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette.  Calculating the Number of Tunnels. In Proceedings “CIARP 2008” (J. Ruiz-Shulcloper and W.G. Kropatsch, Eds.), Cuba LNCS 5197, pages 421-428, Springer, 2008.

GeomAlg_smallFajie Li and Reinhard Klette.  An Approximate Algorithm for Solving the Watchman Route Problem. In Proceedings “Robot Vision 2008” (G. Sommer and R. Klette, Eds.), RobVis 2008 LNCS 4931, pages 189-206, Springer, 2008.


Art_small[showhide type=”links9″ more_text=”Imaging Meets Fine Arts” less_text=”Imaging Meets Fine Arts”]

Journal Papers

Art_smallDongwei Liu and Reinhard Klette. Fog Effect for Photography Using Stereo Vision. The Visual Computer, DOI 10.1007/s00371-014-1058-7, 2015.

Art_smallMahdi Rezaei, Juan Lin, Reinhard Klette Hybrid Filter Blending to Maintain Facial Expressions in Rendered Human Portraits. Int. J. Arts and Technology, Vol. 7, 128-147, 2014.

Art_smallDongwei Liu and Reinhard Klette. Inverse Skeletal Strokes. PSIVT 2013, PAESNPR Workshop, Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume 8334, 2014, pp 1-11, 2013

Conference Papers

Art_smallDongwei Liu, Radu Nicolescu, and Reinhard Klette. Bokeh Effects Based on Stereo Vision. CAIP, LNCS, 2015.

Art_smallDongwei Liu and Reinhard Klette. Matting-Based Stereo Refinement for Computational Photography In Proceedings IVCNZ, 2014.

Art_smallDongwei Liu and Reinhard Klette. Stereo Refinement for Photo Editing In Proceedings Int. Conf. Computer Vision Graphics (ICCVG), LNCS 8671, pp. 391-399, Springer, 2014.

Art_smallMahdi Rezaei. Artistic Rendering of Human Portraits Paying Attention to Facial Features. In Proceedings ArtsIT 2011, Esbjerg, Denmark, LNICST ???, pages ???-???, 2011.

Art_smallSubhro Roy, Rahul Chatterjee, Partha Bhowmick and Reinhard Klette. MAESTRO: Making Art-Enabled Sketches through Randomized Operations In Proc. CAIP, Sevilla, Spain, LNCS 6855, pages 318-326, Springer, 2011.

Art_smallCrystal Valente and Reinhard Klette. Simulating Artworks Through Filter Blending In Proceedings “CPA“, LNCS 6469, pages 102-111, ACCV workshop, Queenstown, 2011.

Art_smallCrystal Valente and Reinhard Klette. Artistic Emulation – Filter Blending for Painterly Rendering – In IEEE Proceedings “PSIVT“, Singapore, pages 462-467, 2010.

Art_smallJames Russell, Reinhard Klette, and Chia-Yen Chen. Tracking small artists. In Proceedings “ArtsIT 2009“, LNICST 30, pages 165-172, 2009.


IT_small[showhide type=”links10″ more_text=”IT” less_text=”IT”]

Conference Papers

IT_smallZhan Gao and Sathiamoorthy Manoharan. Classification of Recent Steganalysis Techniques. In Proc. Int. Conf. Korea Institute Information Communication Engineering, Istanbul, pages 116-117, 2012.

IT_smallRichard Simpson, Sabine Kruekel and Sathiamoorthy Manoharan. Mobile-enabling Websites. In Proc. Int. Conf. Korea Institute Information Communication Engineering, Istanbul, pages 201-202, 2012.
