Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping.

by H Geng, R Nicolescu, R Klette
Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping. (H Geng, R Nicolescu, R Klette), In ICCVG (LJ Chmielewski, R Kozera, B-S Shin, KW Wojciechowski, eds.), Springer, volume 8671, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
author = "Geng, H and Nicolescu, R and Klette, R",
booktitle = "ICCVG",
editor = "Chmielewski, LJ and Kozera, R and Shin, B-S and Wojciechowski, KW",
pages = "228--235",
publisher = "Springer",
series = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
title = "Egomotion Estimation by Point-Cloud Back-Mapping.",
url = "",
volume = "8671",
year = "2014",
doi = "10.1007/978-3-319-11331-9_28",
isbn = "978-3-319-11330-2",